Monday, January 30, 2017


Impeach Trump already!

It's true that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It was so with Hitler. It was so with Idi Amin.

It was so with Marcos. It is so with Duterte.

So it is with Trump.

In his first week of office, Trump has bared his withered little penis for all the world to gawk on. 

Violating both letter of the law and distorting spirit of the law, this pathetic excuse of a human being has been busily signing executive orders that blatantly profess his meanness and bigotry.

We have four years of this to look forward to? #dumpTRUMP #notourprez #damnhisminions!

Read this bone-chilling analysis of recent events as prelude to a coup d'etat, by Yonatan Zunger.


I demand that you invoke Sections 2-3 of Rule VII of the Standing Rules of the Senate to place an indefinite hold on every Trump administration nominee for an executive branch position until the unconstitutional and racially discriminatory executive order entitled, “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States" is fully repealed and made explicitly illegal and impossible by an act of Congress.

Until then, not one Trump nominee goes to the Senate floor for a vote. Period.

The GOP doesn't have the votes for closure and they know it. Do this now.

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