Sunday, February 25, 2018

homeland hues

On the eve that celebrates the original 1986 EDSA Revolution in the Philippines, it's heartbreaking to admit that this historical moment of dissent has not led our country out of the loathsome corruption we inherited from the Marcos Martial Law days.

Fat chance relocating to the United States did, now that Darth Cheeze Wheeze Trump has brought this once great country to its knees. We can only hope we recover when he's relegated back to his gilt lined tower.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day is an official federal state holiday set to honor all who served as President of the United States.

As a newly minted citizen of this grand country, I am proud and honored to have spent eight of my ten years here with the Obamas.

On Feb. 12, 2018, the National Portrait Gallery unveiled the commissioned portraits of the former president and first lady.

Barack Obama's painting by Kehinde Wiley and Michelle Obama's by Amy Sherald mark a high point in our history and highlight our humanity.

Each and all four are shining bright beacons of what it takes to be an excellent human being.

The Obamas made history as the first African American president and first lady. They won our hearts as they exhibited all the grace and elegance humanly possible in the execution of their public office.
They are universally loved and admired for their innate mindfulness and compassionate natures.

They make us all proud to be a part of this historical moment in all our lives.

Check out some of the highlights from the event, and see the painting in person at the Smithsonian Museum.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

being Meryl Streep

Although this quote has been floating around the internet as something attributed to Meryl Streep it rightfully belongs to Portuguese self-help author José Micard Teixeira.

I choose to relate more to the idea of the words originating from Meryl Streep though. A woman in charge and with the resolve to stand up for what she believes in. That is brave.