Monday, April 22, 2024

mansplaining. . . .again

This latest ridiculous debate over the question of man versus bear has been so blown out of proportion. It clearly depicts why and how the main point of raising the topic was so obviously missed. Pounding home all too well the reasons why misogynistic patriarchy must be stopped and ended. 

a sad sorry tale repeated far too often throughout humanity

When majority of women responded that they would choose a bear over a man in the hypothetical situation it spawned viral reactions and debates all over social media. Viewers argued over the validity of either option while strong opinions were raised regarding gender relations. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

long lingering eclipse energies

This April 8 solar eclipse delivers the most powerful lunar energy of the year. Its impact will be deeply felt for the next two weeks. It also shapes our lives for months to come. 

composite image of the eclipse over the South Pacific Ocean

To mark this momentous shift here are some stunning images of the eclipse from around the world - real, generated and manipulated. 

live streaming recos from Smithsonian MagazineDon McCrady via Flickr

This eclipse marks the opening of a new chapter - as it brings events of the past six months to a close, we leave behind experiences, patterns, and energies to move into the next six month phase.