Thursday, October 19, 2023

misleading misconceptions

The review of a show describes a point of view about a creative or cultural event in order to justify the experience. Whereas critiquing a show's production questions why the show was created and what consequences were produced. 

Reviews are where experience meets ideas. Being at a concert, a movie, an art exhibition, a restaurant - gives us cause to think. Maybe the experience is a catalyst for a brand-new idea - maybe it crystallizes something a long-held thought. It becomes something worth considering. 

basic & simple

Critiquing the production questions why a show was produced. What about the creation of the show do we prefer, dislike, condemn - where do we stand? Maybe something occurred that causes a strong reaction - maybe it compels us to speak up and give voice. It becomes something worth discussing. 

Then there are the other aspects of the show - written aspects or things we can learn from like plot, composer, lyrics, contracts, etc. The stuff that can be conveyed in documentation. Participation aspects on the other hand are only learned from being in the audience - such as the power of a closing number or how enjoyable a scene plays.

At times good entertainment just isn't enough to warrant airtime or stage presence. Some destructions can truly be destructive - some topics are packaged in ways that mislead the wayward. An audience can always be manipulated - chords can be struck to play to spectators or its the folks that get played or preyed upon.

We all know how easily offended or testy some can get - yet we voice our opinions anyway. If the shoe fits, they can walk off in it - if not, they can just as easily be discarded or dropped. We learned that in a recent post of the 2023 David Byrne and FatBoy Slim production, Here Lies Love.

Those who were on the front lines during the People Power Revolution in the Philippines felt great pride and elation when the Marcos dictatorship was finally topped after a horrific quarter of a century.

People in the audience were in tears over those lost days of democracy. Even at the end, where the return of the Marcoses was alluded to - folks still loved the disco inferno vibes, believing the story was still effectively told in a really good production.

Unlike those few who spent a few key moments in front of the world press coverage that captured them in front of tanks quite photogenically - the Philippines still lives under the weight of Marcos people rights violations they continue to deny and cover up.

There are those who recall their participation with each anniversary's replay of a montage of well edited images set to patriotic anthems. There are far too many who lost far too much - still being ignored and overlooked by our Philippine government and the world.

How dare they spend more attention and resources on a fictionalized playful rendition of these heinous crimes. I refuse to spend a single cent on this foolhardy lie. I deplore yet another misleading farce - glossing over and being foisted on the world in yet another attempt to rewrite the truth.

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