Tuesday, June 11, 2019

adventurers, pioneers, colonizers

It takes an adventurous spirit to head off into the unknown. To risk it all to pioneer a new life in a new world. Proud conquerors of much trial and tribulation.

No wonder colonizers often ignore, forget and intentionally bury their original sin. Invaders of a paradise who dispossessed its original inhabitants. Settlers in denial of how much they unsettled in staking their claims.

Violators of nature and its wilderness. Resorting to violence to tame their new home. Aggressively wiping off all other contenders. With no consideration for its original inhabitants - plant, mineral, animal or human.

Recorded or remembered the Philippines predates many of today's nations. Yet too many of its masses are kept ignorant and primitive. Byt the few who continue to rape and dishonor our country and its folks out of greed and power.

In the Philippines June 12 is designated as the birth of a nation and its independence day. Proud of its claim as the oldest democratic nation in Asia. The country's independence has remained on shaky ground from birth until today.

Long before the first colonizers invaded its verdant shores much of its primordial life and indigenous history had already been lost to winds of change and territorial warring.

The victorious rewriting history blinded by ahistorical visions of idealism and grandeur. Blanketing the past and hiding its truths in shaded stories and fraudulent claims.

How do we untangle this miasma when we can only guess at what may have been? How can we hold our ground when it too easily blows up or away when we need to hold on to it the most?

Paradise lost indeed. Persevere and preserve what is here now. All can still be revived and restored.

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