Friday, December 27, 2024

holy nights

On December 24th the twelve holy nights begin - symbols for the twelve forces of the soul that live in us. This is vital and valid forever - beyond the twelve holy nights and this holiday season. 

How does Spirit manifest at the midnight hour of the soul’s year? At noon on January 1 the Sun is closest to the Earth. Five and half days before and five and a half days later mark the holy nights. 

the light of the holy spirit descends upon the twelve apostles - mosaic art

On these darkest nights of the year we are closest to the Sun’s Spirit. This means that the Spiritual Sun shining from inside the Earth illuminates everything from the inside - turning it translucent. 

After the twelve days pass the Sun illuminates the Earth from above - externally. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

rebel rules

My lifelong belief is that children express and develop themselves in play. Those who learn to read and write early are formed by self-reflection before too many adults get into their soup. Thise who remain curious become aware and can self realize - going on to be fulfilled and successful on their own terms. 

Who said this?

In 1986, Lucy Calkins published a book called The Art of Teaching Writing. Later, she expanded this to include reading instruction as well. At the time, the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of the era favored an approach known as “whole language.” 

“If we make our children believe that reading has more to do with matching letters and sounds than with developing relationships with characters like Babar, Madeline, Charlotte, and Ramona, we do more harm than good.” ~ Lucy Calkins

This advocated independent reading of full books and suggested that children should identify words from context clues rather than arduously sounding them out. Progressives loved it, because it emphasized playfulness and agency. Although in practice, whole language had some obvious flaws. While some children do appear to pick up reading easily, many benefit from focused, direct instruction.

My daughter was raised and educated in an autocratic world deeply rooted in our pretentious and backward sugar bowl island. A Benedictine education in the local academy was her haven and sanctuary. Curious, enterprising, and innovative - her seditious soul always longed for more. 

Largely self taught by hunting and pecking through books to feed her growing avaricious greed for knowledge not readily available to her. Her interior world and outer expression soon overflowed in overabundance - much of which may not have been age appropriate. Even today, she does love to read aloud to herself and whomever else she can ensnare. 

She does us all royally proud. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

interior castle

A rich interior life is a deep well to draw on when things get chaotic or challenging. That's why it is of utmost value that we be surrounded by what sustains and nourishes us. Being under constant threat or barraged by externals wears on us and eventually takes a toll. 

Two years without a home to call my own has been uncomfortable for a home body Cancerian crab of my nature. Moving clear across the globe and uprooting over fifteen years of my independent stake as a resident and citizen elsewhere is a total upheaval hard to prepare for - much less contend with. 

Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, England - Peter Unger/Getty Images

As this tsunami of change swirled within - the outer world squeezed and closed in - tighter, smaller, meaner. Spots of sunshine and delight grew farther apart, dimmed significantly, needed more effort to come by or sustain. 

How to feed that inner core, pour back into it some replenishment? Keep the big picture in focus, see it clearly, not let externals rub or rob it of its shine. Manage flow and progress so momentum is not impeded or halted, derailed or depleted. 

So much more is expended under unfavorable conditions than when there is full, fresh, firm love all around. Soft, tender, allowing grace - not noise, obstacles, judgement. That makes all the difference in the world.

Although we clearly want one and not the other its isn't always the case. Going where the river flows has the ease and expansiveness that struggling against the current does not foster. Seeing oneself through the filter of loving kindness is vastly removed from harsh heavy horridness. 

We love the most the one who loves us the most and we shrivel where love is withheld or absent. That's the truth. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

when going home is murder

Words of wisdom and sound advice for all citizens and residents - wherever in the world you find yourselves.

"Everyone in this town—this country—is so afraid of the other, whoever the ‘other’ is today. If there’s one thing fear can do, it’s make a beast out of a shadow. It turns us all into monsters. The enemy of the shadow isn’t light. It’s sight.

In other words, if someone says, “Don’t look,” don’t listen.

Bruce DeSilva, winner of the Mystery Writers of America’s Edgar Award, reviews the debut novel “Jackal” by Erin E. Adams.

The places we know best are the ones that pose the greatest threat. When the main character in this novel returns to her hometown after a long absence, mysteries — past and present — collide.

In her breakthrough novel, Erin E. Adams transcends the typical hometown mystery with an effective blend of social and supernatural terrors that build in intensity and mystique throughout. 

Liz’s first-person narration accentuates the emotional stakes of what’s happening in Johnstown, drawing readers in as they sympathize with her plight.

“Jackal” is a terrifying tale of the fears and hatreds generated by racism and class inequality - and of the monsters these fears and hatreds have created. The novel shares the sensibilities of Jordan Peele’s film “Get Out,” but Adams brings to it a depth possible only in books. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

having our say

Women are taking center stage once again. In politics. At the Olympics. Uppermost in the news of today. It's about time! 

Female Last Supper #1 by Smetek

Long after the death of Leonardo da Vinci his art manages to still attract controversy. He left Italy, died and was buried in France - largely to escape prejudicial Italian politics, rumors of his homosexuality, and restrictions imposed by the Vatican on his art. 

Dav Vinci's The Last Supper

In particular his famous Last Supper has been infamously appropriated by the same Catholic Church that condemned the man, his art, and his life choices. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July offerings

This July full moon has many different names across the world. It's called the Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, Mead Moon and Ripe Corn Moon. For 2024 this second Capricorn full moon of July is also an astrological Blue Moon.

July’s full Buck Moon swings back around for a powerful second spin in Capricorn - the same zodiac sign as June’s Full Moon. We currently calculate time with a 12 month solar year, rather than a 13 month lunar year. Every few years, the lunar cycle is disrupted to fit that extra Moon in.

blue moon image by

Instead of a cycle of New Moon then Full Moon on a sign and its complement (Cancer/Capricorn), we get a cycle of Full Moon then New Moon in the next sign. (Capricorn, Leo). That’s where we’ve been these past few years.

Monday, June 10, 2024

tipping points

Despite the fact that population numbers and our behavior are the major factor influencing the rapid environmental degradation and biodiversity loss too few environmentalists dare to address the issue of overpopulation head on. 

Why can’t we co-create a thriving human civilization of almost nine billion people within the limits of planetary boundaries? The answer will shape the future of our species and life on Earth.

Graeme MacKay, editorial cartoonist

How do we enable the abundance of this living planet, share more fairly within the human family, and the Web of Life between those alive today and future generations?