Tuesday, July 30, 2024

having our say

Women are taking center stage once again. In politics. At the Olympics. Uppermost in the news of today. It's about time! 

Female Last Supper #1 by Smetek

Long after the death of Leonardo da Vinci his art manages to still attract controversy. He left Italy, died and was buried in France - largely to escape prejudicial Italian politics, rumors of his homosexuality, and restrictions imposed by the Vatican on his art. 

Dav Vinci's The Last Supper

In particular his famous Last Supper has been infamously appropriated by the same Catholic Church that condemned the man, his art, and his life choices. 

Eclipsing its proper place in history as a renowned Renaissance masterpiece by a brilliant artist, philosopher, and inventor - instead it is much misunderstood and maligned by powerful bigots throughout history.

Plautilla Nelli, The Last Supper, c. 1568 - restored

His genius may never have been fully appreciated had he not relocated to a country with more progressive cultural values. The Last Supper was the last painting completed by Leonardo da Vinci in Italy before he left for France. 

Mary Beth Edelson, Some Living American Women Artists/Last Supper, 1972

Ages later France takes proud credit - mounting an extravagant recreation in drag at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024. Making a globally publicized layered commentary of French cultural history, devotion to the arts, its strong secularism, and native-born laissez-faire attitudes toward sexuality and creative expression.

art by Anita Marie

Predictably many were still offended and outraged - loud and proud in their much publicized protestations. With the announcement of Kamala Harris as the democratic party nominee - more women last supper depictions are being posted in countless manifestations. 

political satire art - no citation, too bad!

Hurray and halleluiah! We celebrate more than childless women and cat ladies. With many loud and proud community callouts. Shutting down the ignorant and bigoted - we will no longer take such abuse. 

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