Tuesday, July 30, 2024

having our say

Women are taking center stage once again. In politics. At the Olympics. Uppermost in the news of today. It's about time! 

Female Last Supper #1 by Smetek

Long after the death of Leonardo da Vinci his art manages to still attract controversy. He left Italy, died and was buried in France - largely to escape prejudicial Italian politics, rumors of his homosexuality, and restrictions imposed by the Vatican on his art. 

Dav Vinci's The Last Supper

In particular his famous Last Supper has been infamously appropriated by the same Catholic Church that condemned the man, his art, and his life choices. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July offerings

This July full moon has many different names across the world. It's called the Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, Mead Moon and Ripe Corn Moon. For 2024 this second Capricorn full moon of July is also an astrological Blue Moon.

July’s full Buck Moon swings back around for a powerful second spin in Capricorn - the same zodiac sign as June’s Full Moon. We currently calculate time with a 12 month solar year, rather than a 13 month lunar year. Every few years, the lunar cycle is disrupted to fit that extra Moon in.

blue moon image by bhaktiCD.org

Instead of a cycle of New Moon then Full Moon on a sign and its complement (Cancer/Capricorn), we get a cycle of Full Moon then New Moon in the next sign. (Capricorn, Leo). That’s where we’ve been these past few years.