Friday, December 27, 2019

end of a decade & the start of 2020

The final solar eclipse of the decade occurred on Thursday, December 26. When the new moon passed in front of the sun it produced a stunning and photogenic ring of fire around the moon.

This new moon not only brings to an end things we have been going through for the last ten years, the energy of this highly charged, intense lunar pull brings major change.

Giving us the opportunity to release, cleanse, refresh, and renew our energy just in time for 2020 and the start of an exciting new decade.

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On January 10, 2020 the first lunar eclipse of the decade will occur during the full moon in Cancer.

Like a regular full moon only stronger, the sun opposite moon of a lunar eclipse brings home, family and intimate relationships into sharper focus.

Opposing forces - such as work versus home or need versus want - create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain our energy.

Eclipse cycles pull us into intense healing phases where we break free from old and harmful patterns of behavior. They force us out of situations that are toxic and unfulfilling - that lower our vibration.

Providing us with the opportunity to de-tangle from anyone or anything that is toxic, dysfunctional or unbalanced for us.

These eclipses are energetic stellar gifts that allow us the opportunity to start over and firmly put the past behind us.

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