January 6 is observed as a church festival commemorating the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles in the Western [Christian] Church or the commemoration of the baptism of Christ in the Eastern [Orthodox] Church.
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For many of us, with the holidays now over, Epiphany marks our return to Ordinary Time. Another definition of epiphany is an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure. A revelation.
What has the past year revealed?
Climate Change - fires in the west coast, blizzards in the east coast, devastating hurricanes around the world.
World Leaders Stalemate - on big issues like border control and crimes against humanity.
Court Testimonials - Brett Kavanaugh's sexual assault allegations and Facebook's breach of user privacy scandal.
Doing our children harm - school mass shootings and immigrant children detainment.
Fairy Tales and Fantasy - a royal wedding in the UK, while Korea makes an uneasy peace.
Lots of room to improve on this 2019. We need all the well wishes.
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