mania | maniac | maniacal
An all too accurate downward spiral blatantly exhibited by this second term of Trump in office. For him, his chosen, and the GOP - who are intent on the destruction of anything clear, good, and working in our American government today.
survival of the best |
All self-centered, insecure, petty, and unloved - they are the smallest packages of humans, so wrapped up in only themselves. It does not take much to decipher their barren psyches and broken behavior.
There they stand in the glaring public gaze - frantically waving their freak flags in proud puerile penis envy.
misogynistic | megalomaniac | monsters
me & my shadow - who's that? |
Daddy downtrodden, mommy abused they are broken impotent baby dolls playing at fanatic fascism. Break! Bang! Crash! Tantrum tyrants grabbing for power they will never possess.
Punching away at systems and structures that hold up decency and dignity in the American way of life. Creeps the American people have to endure while Trump remains in office and lets these thieves and goons run amok.
We the people are collateral damage in their demented vengefulness.
no one is above the law or exempt from it |
Patriarchy is a social system that has historically bestowed primary power and privilege upon men in various aspects of society, including politics, economics, and culture. With this crop [crap] of questionable men running things to the ground - we are truly in deep doodoo.
Patriarchy’s influence extends across many aspects of modern life - contributing to disparities in education, employment opportunities, and income between genders. The gap will only widen and deepen under their reign of horror.
Patriarchy also plays a role in normalizing violence and control over other' rights. There is nothing normal about these sad and sorry mutants of botched childhoods. They are here to make us all sorry for their perceived personal traumas.
women doing what we do best |
What they have no concept of is that we the people each and all possess a [not so] secret weapon, a superpower.
We are not like them. We are beloved and loving people. We glory in life and each other.
That is how we shall overcome them all. More power to us!