Friday, December 28, 2018

walk in beauty

My great find of 2018 was a little gem of a book - "The Alchemy of Abundance" by Rick Jarow.

I first met the author in one of our sessions at the New York Open Center's Integrative Sound and Music Institute - at a nine month certificate program for sound healing.

Rick Jarow, is a practicing alternative career counselor, a professor of religion at Vassar College, and the author of Creating the Work You Love, In Search of the Sacred, Alchemy of Abundance, and more.

His popular seminars, based on years of research and practice with lineage holders in both Eastern and Western traditions, focus on interweaving inner experience with effective action in the world.

Monday, December 24, 2018

warm winter wishes

Celebrating the Earth holidays allow us to bring in new energies that enhance our lives 
as we tune in and flow with the Goddess Gaia and the laws of nature. 

These evocative insights are aptly encapsulated in the beautifully crafted words of David Whyte

The Winter of Listening [from "The House of Belonging"]

No one but me by the fire,
my hands burning
red in the palms while
the night wind carries
everything away outside.

All this petty worry
while the great cloak
of the sky grows dark
and intense
round every living thing.

What is precious
inside us does not
care to be known
by the mind
in ways that diminish
its presence.

What we strive for
in perfection
is not what turns us
into the lit angel
we desire,

what disturbs
and then nourishes
has everything
we need.

What we hate
in ourselves
is what we cannot know
in ourselves but
what is true to the pattern
does not need
to be explained.

Inside everyone
is a great shout of joy
waiting to be born.

Even with the summer
so far off
I feel it grown in me
now and ready
to arrive in the world.

All those years
listening to those
who had
nothing to say.

All those years
how everything
has its own voice
to make
itself heard.

All those years
how easily
you can belong
to everything
simply by listening.

And the slow
of remembering
how everything
is born from
an opposite
and miraculous
Silence and winter
has led me to that

So let this winter
of listening
be enough
for the new life
I must call my own. 

Merry Christmas and here's to another year well lived! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

hope & promise

As the holiday season kicks off, the need to quiet and soften our hearts grows with each passing day.

It is apt for the first week of Advent to be dedicated to Hope.

That cherished desire of anticipation and expectation.

Of a promise obtained or fulfilled.

If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.

Instead we entangle ourselves
in knots of our own making
and struggle, lonely and confused.

So like children, we begin again...
to fall,
patiently to trust our heaviness.

Even a bird has to do that
before [s]he can fly.

~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Book of Hours

Saturday, December 1, 2018

tolerate | celebrate

shame | pride
blame | acclaim
inadequate | efficient
pathetic | decent
weak | brave
damned | blessed
flawed | beloved

The legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman

Shame means that you are damned. That you have accomplished nothing. Shame is the opposite of art.

Blame means you have trespassed. That you have sinned by omission or overtly. Blame is the opposite of integrity.

Shame or blame turn every emotion into some personality flaw. Every casual choice manifests as a giant mistake. Every small blunder is magnified into a moral failure.

Shame is passive - coating itself in suspicion and embarrassment. Blame is active - using accusation to propel or project its barbs.

Insinuating. Insidious. Infantile.