Saturday, June 18, 2016

leave or remain : heart & spirit divided

With my one and only based in the UK, this sad business and sorry outcome of the Brexit vote has our whole family on a ridiculous ride of our lives.

Reading this laudable article of Laurie Penny, "I want my country back," reminds me that this is a shared sentiment that is bigger then the UK or the EU even.

I want to wake up tomorrow in a country where people are kind, and tolerant, and decent to one another. A country where people – all people – can feel at least a little bit safe. 

This is about each of us and our place in the world or the stand we take.

traipsing the world & the wake we make

Through the years we have become increasingly mobile. Uprooting ourselves to parts unknown. Be it permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary. 

Photo Credit: Wig Tysmans

The world has grown increasingly smaller as there are more of us to fill it, map it, conquer it. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

book review of Mia Alvar's "In the Country"

While back in the Philippines for a recent two month visit, I brought this book to read on the flight.

It got such raves that I was eager to read what this new breakout author had to write about our country, its diverse people and its many differing circumstances.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mahala's illustrated book gets an award!

This book that Mahala Urra illustrated won an award - whoohoo! proud mama Issa UrraWoaWomen Urra, proudly Negros, proudly Kolasa! Thank you Tahanan Books

2016 Skipping Stones Award for Multicultural & International Books

Posted on June 2 at 9:20pm ·

Woke up to great news! With the University of New Mexico Press, Tahanan BooksWhat My Grandmother Told Me won a 2016 SKIPPING STONES AWARD for the Multicultural & International Books Category! Shout out to the team! 

Author: Maria Paz Eleizegui Weir
Illustrator: Mahala Urra
Designer: Auri Asuncion Yambao

You may purchase your copy at! Add this book to your shopping cart when you claim your 12% OFF coupon. Valid until the Philippine Independence weekend!

Read about Mahala's creative process and project highlights on our previous blog, Mahala's Illustrated Book

Publishers Book Launch Invitation

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

celebrate life, grieve loss, grow & gain

This week was filled with one eulogy too many. Life and death. Loss and gain. Joy and grief.

In any stage or phase of our lives, these are attendant attachments of every human being.

However well lived a life - in intent and application, in motivation and purpose, in success or satisfaction - its end does not always bring closure for those left behind.